Yesterday marked the 1 week point since Roanne's final radiation treatment, so we decided to commemorate the occasion with a celebration. When Roanne arrived home from work we went out to the backyard where we popped the cork on the bottle of spumoni (like champagne but tastes better). Here are some photos of our happy cancer survivor attempting to crack open the bubbly:
I say "attempting" because despite her best efforts she was unable to release the cork, being hesitant to shake it hard enough and use sufficient force ("but I want to DRINK it, not spill it!"). Luckily I am a seasoned veteran of countless top-step podium celebrations, and like Cipo I am well-accustomed to cracking open large bottles of carbonated alcoholic beverage in the presence of beautiful women, so I volunteered my services and before long the glass-and-cork vault had released its foaming treasures:
I then passed the goods back to the newt, who happily took a celebratory swig straight from the bottle:
We then poured ourselves each a glass and toasted the end of Roanne's treatment and farewell to cancer. We also toasted all of our friends and family who have been incredibly supportive throughout this ordeal, we really appreciate all that you have done for us! It has been amazing to see all of the support that we have received through this, thanks so much to everyone! And finally, we toasted the competence and compassion of her team of doctors at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, they are a great group.
We then hopped on the scootie and headed downtown where we had dinner at a great Greek restaurant called Lola. Two thumbs up for this restaurant, the food was awesome. Greek food is amazing, somehow they manage to incorporate honey into almost every single thing on the menu, so awesome! By 9:30pm my efforts at conversation were faltering since Roanne was falling asleep, having risen at 4:00am to start working, so we headed home for an early night. Now that Roanne has beaten cancer, maybe we should focus on curing her of her voracious appetite for working!
Sinking In
I've been doing a lot of body self awareness lately. My motivation is in
hope of alleviating the persistent lower back pain that resurfaced over the
7 years ago
Congratulations! So happy for you both :)